From Vietnam Veterans Against the War,

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Section 60 at Arlington (poem)

By Horace Coleman

The Penetrated…

Evaporated… Disintegrated … Eviscerated… Decapitated…

Mind and Soul Amputated… Burnt and Blown Up…

Brain Damaged… Bled Out and Heart Failed…

Are Here: In Section 60 at Arlington…

The Smashed and Trashed…

Who Survived the Blast, But didn't Last or…

Suicided at Home but were Killed Elsewhere also have Their Last Deployment Here: In Section 60, or

Some Variation people "Respect and admire" But don't Aspire to (Ignoring Those Who Mostly Survived and only Somewhat Died)

On Memorial Day most folks play while only a Few Caress the Tombstones of the Angelfied. The majority know what to do: Stuff Your Mind with Barbecue…

—Horace Coleman

Painting by Mark Hartford.

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