Taken from The Rag, the American War in Vietnam, and VVAW by Terry DuBose:
The Rag 50th Reunion 1966-2016
From the very beginning of the newspaper, The Rag, in October, 1966, the American war in Vietnam was an issue in the publication. In The Rag, page 1, Volume 1, Number one, an editorial by the former editor of The Daily Texan (1965), Kaye Northcott, describes the opinions of the new Daily Texan Editor (1966, John Economidy) as, "Economidy has made decisions on the following issues: Vietnam — 'The enemy is the Viet Cong. The enemy is the cold, thin smile of a Viet Cong (VC) as he shoots to death a village official. The enemy is the laughter of the Viet Cong while making an old man dig his own grave before he is buried alive.' "In reality Economidy's accusations against the VC sound like the subsequent testimonies given by VVAW members about war crimes against the Vietnamese people.... Read More