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Taken from ...Another Brother by Louie DeBenedette:

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). We will never forget our brothers and sisters, both American and Vietnamese who died or were maimed on the battlefields of southeast Asia. Louie and Antonio. Today I am writing about another brother, Antonio Oporta Mejia, a Nicaraguan Sandinista. Antonio is a product of the 1984 war of National Liberation who died of complications from the wounds of that war. I have many memories of my brother and friend. We first met in Managua at the Veterans Peace Convoy in 1988. We were greeted with beautiful flowers welcoming us along the route as we traveled into Managua. Upon our arrival, we were greeted by Daniel Ortega and a whole host of paralyzed vets. Afterwards, we attended a wheel chair basketball game. Antonio asked me to buy and wear the same color shirt that his team wore. Later, he invited me to his home in Boaco, which is north of Managua.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. 50 Years of VVAW by Joe Miller
  2. Reflections on My Recent Trip to Vietnam by Joan Davis
  3. VVAW 50th Anniversary by VVAW
  4. Editor's Note by VVAW
  5. 20 Years of The Veteran by Barry Romo
  6. 50 Years Since Dr. King's "Declaration of Independence" by Joe Miller
  7. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  8. Notes from the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  9. Gimme an "F" by Stephen Sinsley
  10. Memorial Day Memories by Pete Zastrow
  11. The Human Cost of War by Joseph Giannini
  12. Veterans and the Affordable Care Act: Why the Repeal Would be Devastating by Jen Tayabji
  13. Our Conundrum (poem) by Barry L. Reece
  14. No Thanks by Tom Dixon
  15. 50 Years Later - Reflections on the Vietnam War by Warren Hunt
  16. Trump Card (poem) by Susan R. Dewar
  17. VVAW, Then and Now by Al Donohue
  18. Carl Douglas Rogers, R.I.P. by Jan Barry
  19. Photos from the Archives by VVAW
  20. Three Stars by John Ketwig
  21. Ralph Kall R.I.P. by Stanley Campbell
  22. Remembering Tom Hayden by Carl Davidson
  23. Remembering a True American Hero by John Ketwig
  24. ...Another Brother by Louie DeBenedette
  25. National Guard Troops May Be Used to Round Up Aliens (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  26. Our Neighbor by Daniel Corral
  27. Boots (poem) by David Sandgrund
  28. LWA: Living While Angry by Gregory Ross
  29. Mr. President, Hear Our Pleas by Susan Schnall
  30. The New Agent Orange: Military Burn Pits in Afghanistan and Iraq by H. Patricia Hynes (reviewer)
  31. Stick Vet (cartoon) by Travis Landchild
  32. My Part in the War: 1968-1970 by Martin Treat
  33. Veterans Must Join the Poor People's Campaign for a New Winning Strategy by Rev. Shawna Foster
  34. Reporting Back on Standing Rock by Daniel Corral
  35. The Light Where Shadows End by Daniel Lavery (reviewer)
  36. The CIA as Organized Crime by Larry Craig (reviewer)
  37. Vietnam Dreams by R. G. Cantalupo (reviewer)
  38. Search & Destroy (poem) by R. G. Cantalupo
  39. Pearl Harbor Memories by Michael Nelson
  40. The CIA and the Phoenix Poem by Sanford Kelson (reviewer)
  41. T-rump Preamble (poem) by Michael McGraw
  42. Fight Song (poem) by Michael McGraw
  43. Changes: The Coming of Age in the South During the Vietnam War by Dr. Bob Vadas (reviewer)
  44. Photos from the Archives Part 2 by VVAW
  45. Long Way Out by Daniel Lavery (reviewer)
  46. Vietnam: A History of the War by Allen Meece (reviewer)
  47. A War Hero - and a Peace Hero by Hamilton Gregory (reviewer)
  48. Making America Great Again (poem) by W. D. Ehrhart
  49. The Campaign to Demilitarize Public Schools by Gerald R. Gioglio (reviewer)
  50. Oxy, the Wise Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  51. My Lai Massacre Anniversary by Mike Hastie
  52. Stick Vet, part 2 (cartoon) by Travis Landchild
  53. Unspeakable by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  54. Destroyer (poem) by Allen Meece
  55. The Girl in the Picture (poem) by Doug Rawlings
  56. My Last Few Days Across the Pond by David Sandgrund
  57. Stick Vet, part 3 (cartoon) by Travis Landchild
  58. Trump Moves the Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight by Harry Petrequin
  59. This is Where We Have Come by Jim Wohlgemuth
  60. Stick Vet - Introducing Chick Vet (cartoon) by Travis Landchild
  61. RECOLLECTIONS: Nixon's Revenge by Steve Miller
  62. Trump Budget (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger