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Taken from I Served As A Civilian Advisor During The Vietnam War by Terry Coleman:

The Vietnam War involved both military and civilian personnel. I served in the State Department's United States Agency for International Development, part of President Nixon's ''Pacification Program'' from 1969-1971. After having served in the Peace Corps in India, I wished to return to Asia. The US Foreign Service was recruiting former Peace Corps volunteers to work in the new Pacification Program in South Vietnam. At the time I was ambivalent about the war. However, I took the job as an advisor to the Vietnamese Social Welfare chief in Quang Tin Province, wanting to help civilian Vietnamese. My first experience of what I was getting involved in occurred as my plane descended into Saigon. Looking out the window I saw large holes in the ground filled with water. They were bomb craters. The realization that I was in a war zone was chilling. As the jet taxied to the terminal I witnessed green body bags being loaded into a military airplane. That's when my stomach tightened.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. Putin's War on Ukraine Must Stop by Bill Branson and Joe Miller
  2. VVAW Library Project - Open for Business by VVAW
  3. The Oath I Keep by Meg Miner
  4. Here We Go Again (poem) by Jan Barry
  5. Driving I Remember (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  6. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  7. The Double Standard of War by Fred Samia
  8. Biden's Sanctions on Afghanistan Threaten to Kill More Civilians than Two Decades of War by Mark Weisbrot
  9. Could Ukraine Be About Oil? by Allen Meece
  10. Smedley Darlington Butler: From Consummate Imperialist to Strident Anti-Imperialist by W. D. Ehrhart
  11. Blood on Their Tuxes by Peter P. Mahoney
  12. VVAW Library Project - Completed photos by VVAW
  13. The Last Patrol: 1972 by as told to Richard Stacewicz
  14. The Democratic Convention: 1972 by as told to Richard Stacewicz
  15. The Man in the Uniform (poem) by Woody Powell
  16. The Light at the Tip of the Candle by Michael Orange
  17. Sgt. Johnston 52 Years Later by Bill Johnston
  18. Maggot Days:Here Comes the Sun by Gerald R. Gioglio
  19. Years of a Life: Lessons Learned and Unlearned by Joe Miller (reviewer)
  20. Entering War, Coming Home by Joe Petzel
  21. 50 Years Since 1972: Reflections Back to '68 & Then to War's End! by Ron Bunnell
  22. I Served As A Civilian Advisor During The Vietnam War by Terry Coleman
  23. Russian Diplomacy (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  24. Return to Vietnam by Andy Berman
  25. The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  26. What Could I Have Done? What Should I Have Done? by Jim Wohlgemuth
  27. Our Veterans by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  28. The Defoliation of America by John Zutz (reviewer)
  29. Seeking Quan Am by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  30. Before (poem) by David Sandgrund
  31. I Was Wrong (poem) by Michael Nelson
  32. Memories of War Do Not Go Away by Ed White (reviewer)
  33. Eighteen Years Before He Died (poem) by Marc Levy
  34. Voting for War by Steve Krug (reviewer)
  35. Tipping Point: An Inspiring Break From War by rg cantalupo (reviewer)
  36. Just Like Me by Steve Krug (reviewer)
  37. Thich Nhat Hahn, RIP (poem) by Jan Barry
  38. Who You Are Told Is The Enemy (poem) by David Connolly
  39. The People vs. Agent Orange by Paul Nichols (reviewer)
  40. Letter to the Vietnam Memorial Wall by Bill Potvin
  41. Just Like Me by rg cantalupo (reviewer)
  42. Oxy, the Smart Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  43. Remembering Cody Camacho by Jeri Reed
  44. Prisoner of War (poem) by rg cantalupo
  45. Jeff Stone: May 25, 1946 - March 8, 2022 by Jim Smith
  46. Gazpacho Tactics (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  47. In Remembrance and Regret by Art Dorland
  48. Women Vietnam Veterans by Ed White (reviewer)
  49. An Army of One (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  50. Bastion (poem) by Tony Marconi
  51. Russian Money (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  52. The Cost of Loyalty by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  53. The Return by Gary Rafferty
  54. China Beach Surf Club - Part 1 by Joseph Giannini
  55. Annie Bailey Memorial by VVAW
  56. 1969, Vietnam: While Waiting For Nixon's Secret Plan by John Crandell
  57. Trump Attention (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger