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Taken from Central Illinois IVAW: Back in the Struggle by Jacob Crawford, Scott Kimball and Sarah Lazare:

As we enter into the tenth year of the war in Afghanistan and the 9th year of the war in Iraq, we are seeing the persistence of a movement to counter these wars. Showing our presence in schools, community centers, union halls, workplaces and military bases throughout the United States. The anti-war movement is resuscitating itself, recognizing the need for grassroots organizing at the local level. The Central Illinois Iraq Veterans Against the War would like to share the story of our own chapter's reactivation and local organizing in the heartland. Jacob Crawford in Madision,March 19, 2011.Photo by Andie Wood. With an influx of new members and allies, this fall marked the revitalization of the Central Illinois IVAW chapter. Old members who had been inactive since the election of President Obama, along with new blood, decided to re-start local efforts to build a veteran and ally community against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. Listen to Veterans by Di Wood
  2. DC After Action Report by Bill Homas
  3. From the National Office by Barry Romo
  4. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  5. What is VVAW's Military and Veterans Counseling Doing Now? by Ray Parrish
  6. Notes From the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  7. Marking 50 Years of Agent Orange in Vietnam: The Struggle for Justice Moves Forward by Merle Ratner
  8. "Trying to Find My Way Home" By Jason Moon by John Zutz (Reviewer)
  9. Bringing Vincent Home by Jim Baldridge (Reviewer)
  10. My Dad and Me: Two Veterans Learning to Reach Across the Years by Joe Miller
  11. Sacrifice by Charley Trujillo
  12. The Innocents (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  13. Beware the Fog of War by Harold Trainer
  14. The Discontent of Our Winter by Horace Coleman
  15. War Games by Gregory Ross
  16. Welcome Home Young War Vets (Now Pretend You Are Normal) by Jim Murphy
  17. VVAW Taking It to the Classroom by Aaron Davis
  18. Jim Ketola, Presente! by Steve Morse and Lee Thorn
  19. Off We Go! (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  20. This is What Democracy Should Look LIke by Michael Orange
  21. 10,000 Join Iraq War Vets in Madison March and Rally by Kim Scipes
  22. Once More Into The Breach.... by Willie Hager
  23. Oxy, The Smart Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  24. How History Gets Written (poem) by W. D. Ehrhart
  25. Cult of the Wounded (poem) by Paul Hellweg
  26. Connecting Issues: Iraq War Vets March in Solidarity with Labor by Nathan Toth
  27. Iraq Veterans Against the War to Troops: "We Are Public Employees Too!" by IVAW
  28. Madison Solidarity Statements by VVAW
  29. IVAW Solidarity Statement with Survivors of MST by IVAW
  30. Breaking the Betrayal of Silence: Dr. King of His Call for Nonviolence from Vietnam to Afghanistan by Brock McIntosh
  31. Our Mission Continues: IVAW Calls on Congress To Honor Its Moral Responsibilities to Iraq by T.J. Buonomo
  32. 11.11 (poem) by Michael Nelson
  33. IVAW Field Organizing by Aaron Hughes
  34. Where to Be Inspired by Mark Strudas
  35. Central Illinois IVAW: Back in the Struggle by Jacob Crawford, Scott Kimball and Sarah Lazare
  36. Inspiration and Tips to Stay in the Struggle by Maggie Martin
  37. Operation Exposure: IVAW and Justseeds Collaborate on a Street Art Campaign by Nicolas Lampert
  38. Celebrating 30 Years of Art Created by Veterans by Robin Hoecker
  39. The Importance of Remembering by Derek Griffin
  40. Veterans and GIs Organizing at Fort Hood by Siri Margerin
  41. Navigating the Aftermath by Luke Wilcox
  42. Shooting Civilians (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  43. A Plea For Our Soldiers by VVAW
  44. Obama Surrounded (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  45. RECOLLECTIONS: VVAW Anti-War Protest, Washington DC 1971 by Lee Wengrzyn
  46. ROTC at Harvard (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  47. NYC Veterans Day 2010 (photo) by VVAW