Taken from Central Illinois IVAW: Back in the Struggle by Jacob Crawford, Scott Kimball and Sarah Lazare:
As we enter into the tenth year of the war in Afghanistan and the 9th year of the war in Iraq, we are seeing the persistence of a movement to counter these wars. Showing our presence in schools, community centers, union halls, workplaces and military bases throughout the United States. The anti-war movement is resuscitating itself, recognizing the need for grassroots organizing at the local level. The Central Illinois Iraq Veterans Against the War would like to share the story of our own chapter's reactivation and local organizing in the heartland.
Jacob Crawford in Madision,March 19, 2011.Photo by Andie Wood.
With an influx of new members and allies, this fall marked the revitalization of the Central Illinois IVAW chapter. Old members who had been inactive since the election of President Obama, along with new blood, decided to re-start local efforts to build a veteran and ally community against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.... Read More