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New VVAW Library and Learning Center Update
By Khoi Tran
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Binh Dinh, Vietnam March 14, 2024
I have been working with the many officials that the Library of Vietnam Project has befriended since 1999. My first translation was with the People's Committee of Bong Son in Hoai Nhon District, Bong Son, Binh Dinh in December 2011. This is my thirteenth year. Now, we are back in Binh Dinh Province. It is in this province, where I was born, that I worked at various jobs, including in the private sector for an East Indian National Sugar Cane Company and, more recently, in the public sector for the Provincial People's Committee Department of Planning and Investment.
Thanks to the Vietnam Veterans Against the War grant, we are now building a library at An Nghia, and it is our history with the provincial governments here in Binh Dinh that has eased our introduction. An Nghia is an impoverished area near An Khe. This is the first foreign NGO grant in this district since the end of the Vietnam War on April 30, 1975. The process of working through the paperwork has been extended, but the dedicated resolute desire inspired by the VVAW grant has spurred on the District Ministry of Education and Training. The groundbreaking event for this library has kicked off this project! The kids are all over the place, excited by the prospect of the new VVAW library sponsored by an American NGO!
Upon my return to the USA in early April, I will make the initial Project Progress Report. I am now working with the District official, Mr. Hiep. He is a very effective leader, and we are lucky to work with his able staff again.
Khoi Tran is the Chief Operating Officer of the Library of Vietnam Project..
Groundbreaking cerermony for the third VVAW Library and Learning Center in Vietnam, An Nghia, March 4, 2024.
Khoi with Mr. Nhuong and Mr. Quang L, An Nghia, March 4 ,2024.
Teachers and kids celebrate the gift of books at the second
VVAW Library and Learning Center in Hanh Trung, October 23, 2023.
Ms Tu & librarians with gift of books at the second
VVAW Library and Learning Center in Hanh Trung, October 23 2023.
Second VVAW Library and Learning Center in Hanh Trung, November 23, 2023.
Sign at the groundbreaking cerermony for the
third VVAW Library and Learning Center in Vietnam, An Nghia, March 4, 2024.
Entry gate for location of the third VVAW Library and Learning Center in Vietnam, An Nghia, November 24, 2023.
Groundbreaking cerermony for the third VVAW Library and Learning Center in Vietnam, An Nghia, March 4 2024.
Mike Dixon speaks while Khoi Tran translates at the groundbreaking cerermony for
the third VVAW Library and Learning Center in Vietnam, An Nghia, March 4 2024.
Chuck Theusch and students at second VVAW Library and Learning Center in Hanh Trung, November 23, 2023.