VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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THE VETERAN is the newspaper of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc. In 1971 and 1972 it was published as 1st Casualty. From 1973 to 1975, it was published as Winter Soldier. In 1975, it became THE VETERAN.

THE VETERAN was the first voice of Vietnam veterans in America, and has consistently addressed issues of peace and justice. Original articles on Post Traumatic Stress and Agent Orange have appeared since its first year of publication.

THE VETERAN still continues publication two times a year. Articles from recent issues are available below.

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From Merle Ratner - ¡Presente! by Nadya Williams:

For an American to be honored upon passing with an official memorial is quite rare in Vietnam. However, both respect and love were well-earned by Merle Ratner's life-long devotion to the victims of the American War. She was only 13 in 1970 when she was first arrested in her native New York City for protesting the war. Unlike most Americans who demonstrated until the war's end in April 1975—then dropped out—Merle's commitment did not stop or waiver. Had her death at 67 on Monday, February 5th, been a peaceful and natural one, there would surely have been sad remembrances in Ha Noi among the organizations she so faithfully supported. But death came suddenly and violently as she was walking in the early evening across an intersection near her home in lower Manhattan, bringing food to an elderly friend. She died instantly, struck by a large truck making a rapid turn. Her husband of 44 years, Ngo Thanh Nhan, was just a few blocks away in their apartment, awaiting her return... Read More

In This Issue:

  1. On the Necessity of Struggle by Bill Branson
  2. New VVAW Library and Learning Center Update by Khoi Tran
  3. VVAW Readers' Garden Inspires More Local Investment by VVAW
  4. Four Dead in Ohio by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  5. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  6. Back to the World by John Lindquist
  7. Passing Through A Gate by W. D. Ehrhart (reviewer)
  8. Eating Oysters in Easton (poem) by W. D. Ehrhart
  9. On Being A Nonagenarian (poem) by Woody Powell
  10. VVAW Libraries Visit by Ken Embers
  11. Winter Soldier Service Awards by VVAW
  12. A Half-Century of 1973's War Powers Resolution by Al Wellman
  13. Letter to Aaron Bushnell (1998-2024) (poem) by Kevin Basl
  14. Bird (poem) by John Crandell
  15. 1964: From "Spookville" to the Tonkin Gulf by Joe Miller
  16. How I Joined VVAW by rg cantalupo
  17. Nam by rg cantalupo (reviewer)
  18. The Brotherhood of the Sea by George Critch
  19. The Brothers by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  20. Arab-Israeli Unity by Ed Nizalowski
  21. Save-A-Life Lite-A-Bike in Vietnam by David Clark
  22. Rain, Rain, Rain (poem) by Paul Cameron
  23. Photos from the VVAW Archives by VVAW
  24. The Women by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  25. An Honorable Exit by DeWitt Clinton (reviewer)
  26. Genocidal Conscription by Gerald R. Gioglio (reviewer)
  27. After the Apocalypse by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  28. Vietnam - Iraq - Afghanistan by John W. Conroy
  29. Excavations Update: LZ Ranch / Patrol Base Frontier City by Marc Levy
  30. Letter to the Editor by Larry Rottmann
  31. JFK's War With the National Security Establishment by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  32. Charlie 1/5 Cav by Al Wellman (reviewer)
  33. Merle Ratner - ¡Presente! by Nadya Williams
  34. The Fifth Special Forces by Al Wellman (reviewer)
  35. Blood Brothers by Roger Quindel
  36. Oxy, The Smart Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  37. Ben Chitty - ¡Presente! by Priscilla Murolo
  38. Memories of Ben Chitty by VVAW
  39. Arthur "Ben" Chitty, 1947-2024 by
  40. Back Home Connections (poem) by John Crandell
  41. Bitter Smoke of Auschwitz Drifts Over Gaza Tonight (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  42. Peace with Honor by Ben Chitty
  43. Lyndon: In a Winter of Our Discontent by John Crandell
  44. Letter to the Editor by N. W. Barcus
  45. Letter to the Editor by Bill Potvin
  46. Speaker Johnson in a Game of Chance (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  47. Survivors Guilt by Tony Cokely
  48. A Hundred Plus Killed waiting for Food in Gaza (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger