From the National Office
The beating of the war drums has picked up significantly, with the 2016 presidential elections campaign well underway. The twenty-one contenders' (as of the date this article was drafted) war mongering antics are hard to ignore, no matter how ridiculous they are. Some candidates have spoken against a deal with Iran, have criticized and called on President Obama to abandon diplomacy with China after the cybersecurity attacks, and have openly called for the bombing of ISIS and of Syria. We cannot ignore their posturing, no matter how ludicrous. One of these chickenhawks may be our next President and Commander-In-Chief.
With so many of our government officials in bed with the military industrial complex, patriotism and capitalism are very easily confused. Warfare is profit making for the rich, whether or not 'we' win. The US lost the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers, on both sides, and civilians lost their lives.... Read More