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Taken from The History of VVAW National Newspapers by Barry Romo:

In your hands is Volume 50 of VVAW's national newspaper, The Veteran. It started off as First Casualty, then Winter Soldier, and then became The Veteran. We decided to look back at the early days of VVAW's newspapers and get memories from some of the key organizers who worked on the paper over the years. See page 11 for recollections by Pete Zastrow and next issue for memories from Ed Damato and Bill Shunas. I started working on the paper in 1972, when I got elected to the VVAW National Office. It was still called First Casualty. Prior to that, my local chapter and regional people published GI newspapers. In San Bernardino we organized GIs from 29 Palms Marine Base, March Air Force Base (B-52 Base) and so had a little experience already in publishing a newspaper. The GI papers weren't chicken shit papers. The bases had military papers by Airmen and GI's and Marines, things like the March Beacon. The anti-war GI paper was called the March Bacon.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. We Must Continue the Fight for a Better World! by Bill Branson
  2. Update: The VVAW Thanh Binh School Library Project by Chuck Theusch
  3. Purple Heart: The Shrapnel Inside My Heart (poem) by r g cantalupo
  4. Notes from the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  5. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  6. Public Misled on Afghanistan War by John Ketwig
  7. Revenge? You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet. (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  8. Wounds of War by Denny Riley (reviewer)
  9. I'm A Vet, But Not A Hero by Jack Mallory
  10. Coming Home Again by Dan New
  11. Our VA is Threatened by John Ketwig
  12. A VA Excursion During Lockdown by John Zutz
  13. VVAW Patches by Barry Romo
  14. The Waiting Devastation of Landmines by Paul Nichols
  15. The History of VVAW National Newspapers by Barry Romo
  16. Memories of Operation RAW by Joseph Bangert
  17. Life in the VVAW National Office by Pete Zastrow
  18. Snapshot: Saigon 1994 by Marc Levy
  19. The Medic At Dawn (poem) by Marc Levy
  20. The Veteran Art Movement Joins Iraqi Artists in Calling on MOMA to Divest from Toxic Philanthropy by Kevin Basl
  21. Wag the Dog (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  22. The Wall (poem) by Dennis Serdel
  23. Federal Veterans' Benefits Located At The Washington DC Mall - Winter 1971(poem) by Jim Murphy
  24. Almost Dust by Jim Wohlgemuth
  25. Parva Mundi by Marc Levy
  26. The Flight Home by Teri Saya
  27. Portrait of the Artist as Political Prisoner by Billy X. Curmano
  28. The Little Girl at My Door by Jack Mallory
  29. Photos from the Archives by VVAW
  30. Flowers are STILL Better Than Bullets by Laurel Krause
  31. Live Rounds by Donald McNamara
  32. Off to War (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  33. Tin Soldiers and Nixon's Coming by Bonnie J. Caracciolo
  34. Kent State Laments by Chuck Aswell
  35. I Will Never Forget by Philip J. Zamora
  36. Changing a Vote by Susan R. Dixon
  37. Who'll Stop the Rain by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  38. No Where Man by John Zutz (reviewer)
  39. The Mountain Song by Bonnie J. Caracciolo (reviewer)
  40. The Empty Shield by John Bromer (reviewer)
  41. Flashback by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  42. US Military: Incompetence, Hubris, and Denial by Ed White (reviewer)
  43. Obama's Unending Wars by Ed Hagerty (reviewer)
  44. Donny Dump Draft Dodger 1966 by Bill Johnston
  45. Oxy, the Wise Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  46. The Roots of VVAW - Part 1 by Jan Barry as told to Richard Stacewicz
  47. a military mythology (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  48. More Photos from the Archives by VVAW
  49. 2015: At Vietnam's 40th Anniversary of Independence Day Parade (poem) by r g cantalupo
  50. From Pennridge to Vietnam: What I Knew and Didn't Know by W. D. Ehrhart
  51. Young Man Goes To War by Allen Leonard Meece
  52. Lethal Betrayal: The Purple Heart We Never Got (poem) by Mike Hastie
  53. Kill Today, So Tomorrow Will Not Come (excerpt) by r g cantalupo
  54. Invisible Wounds - Part 1 by Joseph Giannini
  55. What Are the Odds? by Patrick Finnegan
  56. America First! (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger