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Taken from On the Ho Chi Minh Trail by Susan R. Dixon (reviewer):

On The Ho Chi Minh Trail: The Blood Road, The Women Who Defended It, The Legacy by Sherry Buchanan (Asia Ink, 2021) Between 1965 and 1975 the United States dropped some 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, more than double the weight of bombs dropped on Europe and Asia during the entire Second World War. While there were multiple and changing objectives to the bombing, a major one was the disruption of the flow of men and materiel to the south. Consequently, much of that fury was directed at what the Vietnamese called the Trường Sơn Road and the United States named the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Trường Sơn Road /Ho Chi Minh Trail threaded through the Trường Sơn Mountains, known in the West as the Annamite Range, that runs roughly north-south through almost the entire length of Vietnam.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. Afghanistan: Another Rich Man's War Ends by Bill Branson and Joe Miller
  2. VVAW Library Project Begins Construction by Chuck Thuesch
  3. PTSD (poem) by Lawrence Christie
  4. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  5. Afghanistan: Who's Responsible? by W. D. Ehrhart
  6. Reflections on the Afghanistan Debacle by John Ketwig
  7. War Fever (poem) by Jan Barry
  8. Being With You (poem) by Diane Ford (1971)
  9. The Latest on SOVA: Save Our VA From Privatization by John Ketwig
  10. These Old Bones (poem) by Nowlin Haltom
  11. The Importance of the "VA Advantage" by Suzanne Gordon and Russell Lemle with intro by Jim Wohlgemuth
  12. Taliban Inherits Ton of US Weaponry Left Behind (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  13. VVAW Library Project Begins Construction photos by VVAW
  14. Remembrance of Ann Bailey by John Lindquist
  15. Memories of Ann Bailey by John Zutz
  16. Ring Around the Red Squad: Memories of Annie Bailey by Joe Petzel
  17. Annie Bailey: In Her Own Words by as told to Richard Stacewicz
  18. Annie Bailey photos by VVAW
  19. Uniforms, Rage, Medals and Citations by Joseph Petzel
  20. Ellsberg Lesson by Bill Johnston
  21. A Crucible Endured by John Crandell
  22. Put A Flag On It by Amber Zora
  23. Contested Identity: Schuyler vs Schuyler by Arthur H. Dorland
  24. F-35 Fighter Now Estimated to Cost 100 Million Each (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  25. Operation Peace on Earth and Statue of Liberty by Bobby Clarke
  26. VVAW and the Literature of War by Elise Lemire
  27. Dissenting POWs by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  28. Uncle Ho by Jim Hale
  29. Conscientious Objector by Gerald R. Gioglio (reviewer)
  30. Bikes for Education in Vietnam by Nadya Williams with David Clark
  31. Jersey City, NJ: Honoring VVAW Member Clarence Fitch at James J. Ferris High School by Joe Hirsch
  32. Bronze Star (poem) by rg cantalupo
  33. Home, 1970 (poem) by John Samuel Tieman
  34. On the Ho Chi Minh Trail by Susan R. Dixon (reviewer)
  35. Oxy, A Wise Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  36. Photos from the VVAW Archives by VVAW
  37. Memories of Dewey Canyon III by Barry Romo as told to Jeff Machota
  38. A Soldiers' Home Companion by Marc Levy
  39. After Two Decades US To Pull Out of Afghanistan (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger
  40. Keep On Singing by Michael Orange
  41. Bayonet Etiquette (poem) by W. D. Ehrhart
  42. Veterans Day (poem) by Daniel E. Rihn
  43. A Tale of a High School Class Going to War by Ed White (reviewer)
  44. The Shadows From Which We Rise by rg cantalupo
  45. Invisible Wounds, Part Three by Joseph Giannini
  46. I Want to Kill a Commie for Mommy by John Zutz (reviewer)
  47. Gold Star Mothers by Tom Gery
  48. Army Recruiting After Kabul Withdrawal Not Getting Any Easier (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger