Taken from IVAW Holds First National Meetings at Fort Bragg by Ward Reilly:
David Cline, Mike Hoffman and Bill Perry
The weekend of March 19–20, 2005, could become known as the "beginning of the end" of the disaster in Iraq, as history was made with the national launching of three powerful groups opposed to the war: Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP), and Military Families Speak Out (MFSO). As always, VVAW was well-represented on this historic occasion of activism, as part of hundreds of Vietnam vets in the group of 4,800 that marched on Fort Bragg in solidarity with all vets and military families.
Counter-demonstrators numbered a pitiful seventy, and the best they could come up with was one giant billboard that said "Code Pink Kills Our Troops." How pathetic is the pro-war side?... Read More