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Taken from IVAW Holds First National Meetings at Fort Bragg by Ward Reilly:

David Cline, Mike Hoffman and Bill Perry The weekend of March 19–20, 2005, could become known as the "beginning of the end" of the disaster in Iraq, as history was made with the national launching of three powerful groups opposed to the war: Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP), and Military Families Speak Out (MFSO). As always, VVAW was well-represented on this historic occasion of activism, as part of hundreds of Vietnam vets in the group of 4,800 that marched on Fort Bragg in solidarity with all vets and military families. Counter-demonstrators numbered a pitiful seventy, and the best they could come up with was one giant billboard that said "Code Pink Kills Our Troops." How pathetic is the pro-war side?... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. VVAW Statement to the People of Vietnam by VVAW National Office
  2. The Struggle Continues in Fayetteville by Janet B. Curry
  3. From the National Office by John Zutz
  4. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  5. Notes from the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  6. My View by John Zutz
  7. Thity Years Further Down the Pike by Horace Coleman
  8. NYC Vets' Statement by VVAW
  9. Creating a Pain in the Brass: Counter-Recruiting in Chicago by Ray Parrish
  10. Chalabi Oil Minister cartoon by Jeff Danziger
  11. Defending the Barricades: March 19 in Chicago by Barry Romo
  12. Lowering the Flag by Barry Romo
  13. Long Acronym, Short Memory by Bill Perry
  14. Pentagon-AbuGhraib cartoon by Jeff Danziger
  15. Fear and Loathing in America by Terry J. DuBose
  16. Jazz Funeral for Democracy by Ward Reilly
  17. End War, Don't Honor It by Lane Anderson
  18. Help Iraq Veterans Against the War by VVAW
  19. Second Annual Candlelight Vigil for the Dead by Ward Reilly
  20. Coaching Winter Track in Time of War poem by W.D. Ehrhart
  21. From Hawk to Dove by Paul Wisovaty (Reviewer)
  22. Objectivity in the Mirage: Al-Jazeera and the Struggle to Report a War by Edith Shillue (Reviewer)
  23. IVAW Holds First National Meetings at Fort Bragg by Ward Reilly
  24. Abu Ghraib Soldiers: Scapegoats for a Flawed Military by Lou Plummer
  25. Lynndie England cartoon by Jeff Danziger
  26. That War by Marc Levy
  27. Chicago VARO Blues by Ray Parrish
  28. Criminal Facilitation: Helping the Military Recruit Our Students by Ben Chitty
  29. Veterans Day 2004, Chicago by VVAW
  30. Terror and Preventive War are "American" Values by S. Brian Willson
  31. Historic Photos by VVAW
  32. Oxy the Smart Bomb by Billy X. Curmano
  33. The Day the Earth Stood Still poem by Cesar Ruvalcaba
  34. Soldiers in Our Midst by Douglas Nelson
  35. Five Lives Ruined by Dian Campbell
  36. Back Porch Blues by Bob Riggle (Reviewer)
  37. Dead Letter Day poem by Marc Levy
  38. Words From Pete poem by Paula J. Countryman
  39. Double-Time Duffy by Joseph Giannini
  40. Dead Wrong cartoon by Jeff Danziger