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<< 6. The Show Goes On: VVAW Honors Veterans in the Concrete Bunker8. Chicago Standdown Winter 2001 >>

First Winter Soldier Service Award Presented

By Barry Romo

[Printer-Friendly Version]

VVAW has given awards in the past, but not many. The Veterans' Service Award was given to such outstanding people such as Maude De Victor and Mike Gold for service above and beyond the call of duty to the veterans' community.

At the National Steering Committee meeting held in Chicago on October 27, 2001, we came up with a new award that is not given annually or biannually, but only as called for because of exceptional sacrifice in service to peace, justice and veterans. We decided unanimously to give a Winter Soldier Service Award to Jeff Machota for his tireless service in helping to keep VVAW alive by his volunteer work for the organization.

Born only a year before VVAW was formed, Jeff became politically active through anti-apartheid struggle, and proceeded to work against racist mascots and for peace in Latin America and in the Persian Gulf. He continues to work for community organizations and to take action for social change.

Jeff volunteered to take responsibility for The Veteran, and then established VVAW's online presence by building a website and running our mailing lists. For the past six years he's also been doing the books, all the while attending demonstrations and meetings and showing up for volunteer work, such as the "Blessing of the Bock."

On Veterans Day 2001 in Chicago, we surprised Jeff with a 30-pack of Old Style beer and a bronze plaque.
We don't know if anyone else will ever get this award again, but Jeff sure deserves this one.

Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Winter Soldier Service Award

presented to
Jeff Machota

In Recognition of Your Dedication to Peace, Justice and Veterans' Rights

National Steering Committee Meeting

First Recipient
October 27, 2001

<< 6. The Show Goes On: VVAW Honors Veterans in the Concrete Bunker8. Chicago Standdown Winter 2001 >>