VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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Taken from Chicago Demo report - 3/20/03 by Bill Branson:

Bill Branson and Bill ShunasChicago demo, February 15, 2003 VVAW turned out for a large demonstration in Chicago the day the war started. Federal Plaza in the Loop was packed with thousands of people showing their anger and disgust at this illegal and immoral war as well as contempt for Governor Bush and his clique. Bill Davis of Chicago VVAW was a featured speaker, and drew wild cheering from the crowd. After about an hour of speeches and chanting, the people took to the streets, splitting into two groups and occupying two entire streets for blocks. The marches joined up again on Michigan Avenue, then walked east to block Lake Shore Drive. The VVAW contingent proudly displayed a large banner, which drew hundreds of pictures and many appreciative comments from the crowd. As usual, we met many old friends, who joined us for a while. The march turned into quite a marathon, occupying one and sometimes both directions on Lake Shore Drive.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. On the Oil-Slicked Road to Empire: Are We Really Safer Now? by Barry Romo, Dave Curry & Joe Miller
  2. From the National Office by Joe Miller
  3. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  4. Notes from the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  5. My View by John Zutz
  6. Anti-War March in DC by John Zutz
  7. Chicago Demo report - 3/20/03 by Bill Branson
  8. Peace-Seekers Organize in Switzerland by Edessa Ramos
  9. War In Charge cartoon by Jeff Danziger
  10. Women Rally Against War by Brooke Anderson
  11. Oxy The Smart Bomb cartoon by Billy X. Curmano
  12. Violence Always Goes Too Far by Susan Ives
  13. Quit Making More Combat Veterans by Robert M. Bowman
  14. At the Front cartoon by Jeff Danziger
  15. Statement of Pvt. Wilfredo Torres by Wilfredo Torres
  16. Reporting War by David Doyle
  17. Spring Break: Operation Dire Distress by Bob Riggle
  18. Petition from Veterans Rejected at White House by Jan Barry
  19. Total Support by Ben Chitty
  20. I Support the Troops by Michael Hureaux
  21. Support Our Troops by Fred Samia
  22. Spitting on the Troops: Old Myth, New Rumors by Jerry Lembcke
  23. Chickenhawks, Draft Dodgers and War Resisters by Fritz Efaw
  24. The War Against Ourselves by An Interview with Major Doug Rokke
  25. The Big Picture on Veterans' Health Care by Bruce E. Parry
  26. Lynda Van Devanter (1947-2002) by VVAW
  27. Home Before Morning: For Lynda Van Devanter (1947-2002) by W.D. Ehrhart
  28. Michael L. Reed (1947-2002) by Rachel Garcia
  29. Letter from Vietnam by William Kelly
  30. Songs of Protest by Bill Homans
  31. An Open Letter From the Troops You Support by Todd Arena & Jonathan Hustad
  32. Letter to the Editor by Tony Georges III
  33. Letter to the Editor by Douglas Nelson
  34. Letter to the Editor by Richard Pinkerton
  35. Frequently Asked Questions by Paul Wisovaty
  36. Captain Powell cartoon by Jeff Danziger