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Taken from Notes From the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty:
It was the late, great Groucho Marx who said, "I wouldn't want to belong to any organization that would have me as a member." Fortunately, VVAW is a little more liberal with its membership criteria; Joe Miller would sign up a werewolf if he could come up with twenty bucks and shave his palms before a chapter meeting. But on a new twist to that standard, I belong to one area organization which is real close to kicking me out. As someone other than Groucho once observed, therein hangs a tale.
The Korean Wars Veterans National Museum and Library Association, based in Tuscola, Illinois, has been working for four years to raise money to build a museum right here in Douglas County. They have a board of directors of about fifteen really nice guys, all Korean War vets from around Illinois, and for the past couple of years I've been the board treasurer.... Read More
Also In This Issue:
- Living with Lies by Dave Curry, Joe Miller and Barry Romo
- George W. Bush Reaches a New Low in Support of the Nation's Veterans by Dave Curry, Joe Miller and Barry Romo
- From the National Office by Joe Miller and Barry Romo
- Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
- Notes From the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
- My View by John Zutz
- Cheney-Halliburton cartoon by Jeff Danziger
- VVAW Homecoming in Milwaukee by Dave Collins
- The Horribles Parade by Marc Levy
- Vieques Celebrates Navy's Departure by David Cline
- Military Families and Vets Speak Out by Dave Collins
- Stories of VVAW by Kurt Hilgendorf (Reviewer)
- Still a Force for Peace by Jerry Lembcke (Reviewer)
- Vet Health Care Cut cartoon by Jeff Danziger
- Memorial Day in Chicago by Janet Curry
- A Military Resister's Words on Memorial Day by Diedra Cobb
- Historical Photos by VVAW
- War Really Is Hell by Bill Leary
- Someone Else's Sons and Daughters by Douglas Nelson
- Mysterious Ways by Susan O'Neil
- Intense Male Bonding by Kenneth Hermann (Reviewer)
- Jonathan Schell: An Appreciation by Bill Kelly
- Arthur Kinoy, People's Lawyer by Barry Romo
- Oxy, The Smart Bomb cartoon by Billy X. Curmano
- What Brings It All Back by Dave Connolly
- R.I.P. Harry Fisher by Ben Chitty
- They Lied! poem by Morgan Haner
- Letters to the Editor by Arthur J. Toegemann
- Letters to the Editor by Arnold Steiber
- Waking Up To Peace by Arnold Steiber
- Interventions cartoon by Jeff Danziger