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Taken from Easy Month by Marc Levy:

"Take five," says the lieutenant. I clear a spot, sit on my pack, slug a half canteen of water. "Hey, Doc," says Larry Roy, "I don't feel too good." He dips his head, with his forearm, wipes his brow. In another world, Larry Roy played golf. Here, at seventeen, he walks point. Everyone likes him. He smiles a lot. Maybe too much. But for Christ sake, not now, Larry Roy. Not now. "What is it?" I ask in my best medic voice. "What's the matter?" His throat hurts, his stomach aches. He coughs and sneezes. "Headache too. Doc, I feel bad all over." I take his temp. A hundred and three. Kneeling, I open my canvas aid, bottle after bottle, shake out pills, hand him two Tetracycline, two Penicillin, two Compazine, two Pro-Banthine, two Darvon, two aspirin, two Dimetapp, two Sudafed, two Benadryl, two anti-anything I got. "That ought to work," I say, zipping the canvas bag shut.... Read More

Also In This Issue:

  1. The River Keeps Flowing by VVAW
  2. My 1968: Vietnam, RFK, the "Police Riot," and Nixon's Election by Joe Miller
  3. Fraggin' by Bill Shunas
  4. Notes From the Boonies by Paul Wisovaty
  5. Should Burns/Novick's "The Vietnam War" Have Won An Emmy? by Joe Miller
  6. Last Visit To Boonton High School by Ken Dalton
  7. Help Active Duty GIs with Medical and Mental Health by Stanley Campbell
  8. America's Modern Military: Who Serves and Who Doesn't by W. D. Ehrhart
  9. 1968 (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  10. Defense and the National Debt by John Ketwig
  11. Better Policy Starts with the Veteran's Voice by Brett W. Copeland
  12. Philly Area Combat Vets Have Lost a Great Ally and Mentor by Bill Perry
  13. Answering a Question (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  14. Photos from the Archives, Part 1 (photos) by VVAW
  15. How King's Words "Lived" In Chicago, 1968 by Dave Dellinger
  16. VVAW in Chicago, 1968 by Andrew Hunt
  17. Oleo Strut by Paul Donahue
  18. Each and Every Day, A Soldier's Lament (poem) by David Sandgrund
  19. Back in the Day by Dennis Randall
  20. 1968 Tet Offensive by Steven Curtis
  21. My Memories of Tet by Michael Peterson
  22. In the Chaos of Tet by Harry Wagner
  23. Moral Injury 24 X 7 (poem) by Mike Hastie
  24. ...Like a Tennis Match by John DeRose
  25. 5 Dead in Ol' Maryland (poem) by Dennis Serdel
  26. A World Leader's Demise (poem) by Gregory Ross
  27. Reconciliation by Martin Treat
  28. To My Great Uncle George (poem) by Paul Cameron
  29. Westchester County LST 1167: November 1, 1968 by Jim Wohlegemuth
  30. Easy Month by Marc Levy
  31. A Fulcrum Moment by Gregory Ross
  32. An Unforgettable Encounter in the Central Highlands: A USO Girl Remembers by Suzanne Cogan
  33. Been There Done That (poem) by Peter Mahoney
  34. We Did What We Could (poem) by rg cantalupo
  35. Wounds of War by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  36. A Shadow On Our Hearts by Daniel C. Lavery (reviewer)
  37. Scofflaw by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  38. Dead Letter File by Art Dorland (reviewer)
  39. Cat Hunter by Al Wellman
  40. Kuam Yin Weeps (poem) by David Sandgrund
  41. The Muscle Car Wars by John Ketwig (reviewer)
  42. The Train by Brian Prahl
  43. Peace Warriors by Joe Petzel
  44. Monday, 0300, Da Nang, Republic South Vietnam by Alan Goodin
  45. I Knew Him Once (poem) by David Sandgrund
  46. The Medevac (poem) by rg cantalupo
  47. Dreaming and Waking In A Yokohama Hospital, 1969 by rg cantalupo
  48. red, white and blue (poem) by Larry Kerschner
  49. Oxy, The Wise Bomb (cartoon) by Billy X. Curmano
  50. Photos from the Archives, Part 2 (photos) by VVAW
  51. Maggot Days: Thank You For Your Service. . . by Gerald R. Gioglio
  52. Don't Privatize the VA by Frank Toner
  53. Obedient Forgiveness (poem) by Mike Hastie
  54. Forever War by Allen Meece
  55. One Vet's View by Pat Finnegan
  56. Dodging the Bullets by Leon Wengrzyn
  57. It Is Time for The Government and Military to Be Held Accountable by Harry Wagner
  58. A Pencil Point by Gregory Ross
  59. 2PKEIKU: Disparate Thoughts on a War by John Crandell
  60. Nicaragua in Crisis by Louis De Benedette
  61. RECOLLECTIONS: i have arrived - i am home by Michael Orange
  62. Overheard in Afghanistan (cartoon) by Jeff Danziger