(This commentary piece also appears in THE VETERAN, Spring 2018 (Volume 48, Number 1).) The Struggle Continues
By Joe Miller
[Printer-Friendly Version] From the National Office
2018 - Another year of terrible anniversaries.
Fifty years since the Tet Offensive, the My Lai massacre, the assassinations of King and Kennedy, a 'police riot' at the Democratic National Convention, and the election of Nixon who continued 'our war' for another seven years.
Fifteen years since George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, a war that spawned even greater conflicts and continuous casualties to troops and civilians in places many of us could not find on a map. Hundreds of thousands of lives lost! Trillions of dollars blown! And the wars go on.
We in VVAW never thought that 50 years after events that shook the world and made us who we are, we'd still be around. Sixteen years ago we actually began discussions about shutting down.
With the new wars in Southwest Asia, old VVAW members came out of the woodwork, looking to re-up and voice their opposition. Veterans from these new wars began to organize as early as 2004, with the establishment of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), now renamed About Face - Veterans Against the War (see page 20).
Today, as the US is engaged in multiple wars and bombing campaigns, the anti-war movement is in a very different place. A whole generation has been raised to expect permanent war as a state of being. Generations of Afghanis, Iraqis and others have grown up in a constant state of war. The war profiteers are in charge. We have a so-called President who is an idiot and a chickenhawk coward. Rabid generals, fools, tools of the transnational rich, and right-wing ideologues like John Bolton are stumbling on global tripwires. Are we approaching another world war?
VVAW's "War on the VA" that we began in the 1970s has now morphed into a battle to SAVE the VA. Members are organizing to combat the obvious efforts at privatization and make the VA a shining example of what health care in the US could be. We need to forge a united front to keep the VA. VA workers, patients and other veterans' organizations must unite to stop the privatization already in progress. VVAW is supporting the "Right to Heal" campaign. We should actively support the group "Fighting for Veterans Healthcare" (ffvhc.org). The traditional veterans' organizations are vacillating and buying into some of the lies about the current efforts at "reform."
We are a bit older, but still not in our dotage. There are things we can do, especially in concert with younger veterans who are and will be victims of the disappearance of a REAL VA.
The suicide epidemic is not going away. The VA is vastly understaffed and unable to handle the load of terribly stressed vets from the Forever War. If veterans do not organize and stand up for themselves, they/we will be flushed into an inadequate, civilian, for-profit series of stop-gap clinics. Big Medical will cash in.
It should certainly be clear to most folks that the economy sucks for us. Profits are through the roof for the rich and powerful, even when their stocks dip a bit. They always find a way to come out on top—on top of us.
And so, the struggles that VVAW has been fighting since 1967 continue. While we are older (and perhaps a little tired), we are still angry. We hope we are also a little wiser. While President Chickenhawk and the Republicans collude to attack all that is decent, we must not let that wear us down. We still have hope; we still have an important role to play in these battles.
We have hope that the new generation of American youth that have grown up under continuous war and increasing gun violence can help lead a new generation into power and more just policies can ensue. We hope that we can impart the wisdom we learned when we were the new kids on the block and are not the old guys on the corner.
We still find inspiration from the struggles of those who have fought back and won. We find hope in the Vietnamese youth who have grown up in the war-ravaged and bombing-infected country we almost destroyed. We have hope that donations we make to these youth can help a new generation.
We are tired, but we have hope for the future.
End the permanent wars! Fully staff the VA! Increase the number of VA facilities!
Joe Miller is a Navy veteran, 1961-68. Naval Security Group, 1961-64. USS Ticonderoga (CVA14), 1964-66. HELTRARON 8, 1966-68. He is a VVAW National Board Member.
Thanks to Jeff Danziger, Billy Curmano, and Eric Garcia for their cartoons. Thanks to the Poor People's Campaign artists: Aaron Hughes, Yvette M. Pino, Eric Garcia, Sandro Abate, and Eli Wright. Thanks to Chuck Theusch, Joe Miller, Mike Hastie, AFGE, Aaron Hughes, John Crandell, Ben Chitty, Brian Matarrese, and others for contributing photos.
VETERAN STAFF Bill Branson Jeff Machota Ellie Shunas Jen Tayabji
Commentary on VVAW.org:
- Media Advisory: On Memorial Day, Veterans, Peace Activist and Friends Will Honor Long-Time Vietnam Veterans Against War Leader Barry Romo by Uplifting the Past and Future of the Anti-war Veterans Movement by VVAW
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War Mourns the Passing of Long-Time Member and National Leader Barry Romo by VVAW
- On the Necessity of Struggle by Bill Branson
- Serving the Children of Vietnam by Bill Branson
- While Comrades Fade, Hard Lessons Remain by Bill Branson
- Stand Up For Your Rights by Bill Branson
- Putin's War on Ukraine Must Stop by Bill Branson and Joe Miller
- Putin's War on Ukraine Must Stop by Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- VVAW Statement on the Ukraine by Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- Afghanistan: Another Rich Man's War Ends by Bill Branson and Joe Miller
- We Have To Be Winter Soldiers by Bill Branson
- Fascism is Not an Option by Vietnam Veterans Against the War National Office
- Is This Who We Are? by W. D. Ehrhart
- Why We Struggle by Bill Branson
- We Must Continue the Fight for a Better World! by Bill Branson
- Into Another Rich Man's War (VVAW Statement on Potential War with Iran) by VVAW
- Forever Wars Demand Forever Opposition by Bill Branson
- From the National Office by Joe Miller
- The River Keeps Flowing by VVAW
- The Struggle Continues by Joe Miller
- VVAW Still Teaching the American War in Vietnam: On Burns/Novick "The Vietnam War" by Joe Miller
- 50 Years of VVAW by Joe Miller
- For Peace, Justice, and Veterans Rights by Bill Branson
- The Importance of Vietnam and VVAW: Then and Now by Bill Branson
- Veterans Fight Back by Bill Branson
- From the National Office by Bill Branson
- No New War in the Middle East by Bill Branson
- From the National Office by Bill Branson
- Our War, Our Legacy by Bill Branson
- From the National Office by Bill Branson
- Get Out and Vote: Demonstrate Our People Power by Bill Branson
- What We Know and When We Know It by Meg Miner
- From The National Office by Bill Branson
- Blood on the Tracks - A Review by Horace Coleman (reviewer)
- From The National Office by Joe Miller
- Ken and Bill's Excellent Adventure by W. D. Ehrhart
- From the National Office by Barry Romo
- From the National Office by Barry Romo
- Soldier Jailed For Rap Lyrics Is Discharged by Dahr Jamail, truthout.org Reporter
- US Military Plans To Extradite Stop-Lossed Iraq War Vet to Iraq For Court Martial Over Protest Rap Song by Iraq Veterans Against The War
- A Letter to America: No Medal Jacket by Marc Levy
- The Worst Question You Can Ask a Combat Vet: Talking Dirty to the Kids by Marc Levy
- From Vietnam to Afghanistan: The Bling They Curse and Carry by Marc Levy
- The "Obama Drama" by Horace Coleman
- Matthew Hoh Resignation Letter by Matthew Hoh
- Just Like Hanoi Jane by Marc Levy
- Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan (the book) by Horace Coleman
- How What Happened in the Bush Administration Shaped What Happened in Iraq by Horace Coleman
- A Father traumatized by a son's wounds goes into action by Horace Coleman
- All Bets Are Off For Today's Vets by Horace Coleman
- Election Night Musing by Horace Coleman
- War Jokes Wanted: No Laughing Matter by Marc Levy and Susan Erony
- The Leftie Nation Throws a Rightie by Jerry Lembcke
- Thuy's Dream of Peace: Winter in America by Marc Levy
- Retraction of Article in the Veteran, Volume 38, Number 1, Spring 2008 by VVAW National Office
- Support PFC James Burmeister by Carol Rawert Trainer
- Support IVAW's Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan
- Fake Vets Chasing Fame by Marc Levy
- William Hugh Davis: 1948 - 2007 - Anti-war, union activist by Patricia Trebe
- President of Vietnam Vets Against the War - Year-long tour convinced him it was wrong by Larry Finley
- You Tube videos of Bill Davis
- Iraq Dead Ahead: A Brief Military History and Civilian Guide to Arlington National Cemetery Iraq Dead Ahead by Marc Levy
- The Horror of War Can be Catnip for Young Men by Jerry Lembcke
- Iraq War Resister Kyle Snyder Arrested in Canada, then Released: U.S. Army Requested the Illegal Apprehension by Gerry Condon
- Vietnam Veterans Against The War Endorses HR 508:Bring the Troops Home and Iraq Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2007 by VVAW National Office
- VVAW Supports All the Troops
- A Primer on the Whys and Wherefores of PTSD: Whatever You Did in War Will Always Be With You by Marc Levy
- What the Fuss Is All About by W. D. Ehrhart
- Winter Soldier DVD Now Available at VVAW Store
- From Vietnam to Iraq: Ignoring the Veteran Healthcare Crisis by VVAW & IVAW
- Vietnam Veterans and Iraq Veterans Release Memorial Day Report on Veterans' Healthcare Crisis by VVAW National Office
- VVAW Statement to the People of Vietnam by VVAW National Office
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War Denounce Bush Proposal to Cut Vets' Benefits by VVAW National Office
- The Struggle Continues by VVAW
- Stolen Honor - A Dishonor: Vietnam Veterans oppose Sinclair Broadcast smear even in reduced format by VVAW National Office
- A Troubling Tribute by Jan Barry
- Defending VVAW Against Swift Boat Vets Lies by Keith Nolan
- 40th Anniversary of Gulf of Tonkin shows history repeating itself with Iraqi War by VVAW National Office
- Anybody But Bush by VVAW National Staff and Coordinators
- Vietnam Veterans Say Torture Policy Not an Aberration - Dates Back To Vietnam War by VVAW National Office
- Chicago Vietnam Veterans Against the War and supporters honor fallen servicemen on Memorial Day by Chicago VVAW
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement on John Kerry
- John Kerry and War Crimes in Vietnam by Jan Barry
- Living with Lies by Dave Curry, Joe Miller and Barry Romo
- On the Oil-Slicked Road to Empire: Are We Really Safer Now? by Barry Romo, Dave Curry & Joe Miller
- No War with Iraq No Blood for Oil or Ego by Barry Romo, Dave Curry & Joe Miller
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement on the "War Against Terrorism" by VVAW National Office
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement on September 11 Attacks by VVAW
- VVAW Statement on Robert Kerrey by Clarence Fitch Chapter of VVAW
- Remembering the Tonkin Gulf and After by Joe Miller
- Indian Wars & the Vietnam Experience by Ben Chitty
- Recollections:Brainwashing Busts Out at Cecil Field by Mike Woloshin
- "Peace with Honor" by Ben Chitty